General medicine, pediatrics, nursing services, general emergencies.
Cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, neurology, gynecology, traumatology, ophthalmology, oncology, psychiatry, etc.
Clinical analysis, radiographs, endoscopies, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, CT scan, etc.
Rehabilitation, cancer treatments, respiratory therapies, radiotherapy, lithotripsy, logophoniatry, etc.
Health First is a health insurance without hospitalization. In case of a surgical intervention or hospitalization for illness being necessary, you will only pay for part of the total cost, since your insurance will assume the rest of it. The cost to be paid by the insured is divided into three levels depending on the complexity of the intervention, according to the criteria established by the Spanish Medical Colleges Organization (Organización Médica Colegial or OMC in Spanish) and the associated cost.
A telephone and online platform with general counselling programs, run by health professionals.
In the event of the decease of the policyholder, your insurance will take the responsibility for the premium payment for 12 months.
Appointment request, downloading of analytics, claim for reimbursements, medical authorizations, etc.
Emergency medical coverage you may need on trips abroad.
No matter what time of day or night, we will assist you 24 hours to speed up processes.
Health First is a complete medical insurance with a very affordable price with which you can have the best private health services: free access to specialists, diagnostic tests and more personalized attention, among others.
Manolo Millares, 102, 2º, of 10.
660 505 583